Implementation guide

Step 1: Insert the Linkoptimizer Javascript in the <HEAD> of every page

This code will make sure that all outgoing links will be redirected through an affiliate link. 

Important: Make sure outgoing links are not styled as a CSS button as our Linkoptimizer cannot track these. 

					<script>var optmz = optmz || [];
    client: "GIFTCARDS_CO_UK",
    excluded: ["", ""]
  });</script> <script async src=""></script>

Step 2: Insert the following javascript code in the <HEAD> of every page.

This code will make it possible to load the search engine and the product recommendations on the page.

					<script src=""></script>

Step 3: Add the Search engine snippet to the balance checker.

					<script>var gftmtc = gftmtc || [];
  version: "2.0",
  type: "inspire",
  client: "GIFTCARDS_CO_UK",
  campaignId: 15553,
  id: "giftomatic-snippet-15553"
});</script> <ins id="giftomatic-snippet-15553" style="display:none;"></ins>


Step 4: Add the Metarefresh to the Thank you page and redirect to these URLs.

For all outgoing links to retailers you can add the following prefix:

After the prefix you add the URL of the webshop: This URL needs to be encoded
Again: you can easily encode URLs through this website:

For example:

					<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="8; url=">

Sorry, this link doesn't work in this demo.